

LED Terminology

Generally speaking, an LED diode will quickly lose about 20% of its initial brightness after the first 2000 hours of use. After that, the LED diode's brightness only degrades at a very slow and unnoticeable rate, until it dies at the generally estimated lifetime of 100k hours. This unique degradation curve is the result of the nature of semi-conductor chips. When shopping for an LED display, it is important to keep in mind that the manufacturer's claimed display brightness will drop about 20% after 2 to 3 months of operation.

LED Diode Binning
The brightness rating of an LED diode is usually expressed in a range instead of a certain NIT value. Because the core of LED diodes are made from semi-conductor chips, even the best LED manufacturers in the world cannot control or guarantee that diodes manufactured within the same batch have exactly the same brightness. Therefore LED manufactures have to separate their diodes into bins of similar brightness. When a LED display manufacturer makes an LED display, it is important to use LED diodes from the same bin in order to maintain brightness uniformity. LEDs Today signs contain only top quality/brightness bin LED diodes from top LED manufacturers. Ther,efore the LED uniformity of a LEDs Today display is always guaranteed to be among the highest, if not the best in the world. We know when a customer installs an LED display at their business location, it becomes part of their business image. We only want the best for our customers!


LED Diode Density
LED diode density is a good starting point when comparing the display performance of LEDs with similar specs. Just like your car's engine, more cylinders generally mean more power. More LED diodes per unit area generally means higher brightness and thus better performance. Our vision has always been to help our customers build/increase their business. Because of this, LEDS Today has always invested in the quality of our product by using more LED diodes from only the best LED manufacturers. This ensures our customers that their business image is being portrayed by the brightest, attention grabbing advertising medium available.  A low brightness, unreadable LED display will not help to increase sales because it's less likely that your customers will notice and read what you have to say.


 Give us a call today, at LEDs Today welcomes you to visit our office and see our LED displays in action! There are countless LED display manufacturers claiming all sorts of things on paper. We want you to see and experience instead of reading and listening. Seeing is believing.


Matrix Resolution
An LED display's matrix resolution represents how many pixels there are on the display. A display with a matrix resolution of 320 (h) by 480 (w) means it has 480 pixels from side to side and 320 from top to bottom. The higher the matrix resolution, the better an image is represented on the display. As we discussed earlier, for a fixed display area, selecting a smaller pitch will increase the matrix resolution of the display which means better image quality.


NIT- Unit of Brightness
NIT is the brightness measurement unit the industry usually uses to calculate the brightness of an LED display. It is calculated as the following:


NIT = cd per pixel X pixels per M2


Generally speaking, the average sun light brightness in North America is about 5000NITs. Based on this fact, an outdoor LED display must be at least 5000NITs bright, after the initial 20% brightness degradation, to be visible during daylight hours. Therefore, when purchasing an LED display, it is important to compare the brightness of displays from different manufacturers, in sunlight, to make sure you are getting your money's worth and your customers will be able to read your display when driving by.


Pitch is the distance from the center of a pixel to the center of an adjacent pixel. Pitch is very important because for the same display area, the pitch determines the resolution of the display. For smaller, tighter pitches, you have more pixels per unit area and thus a better resolution. Selecting the right pitch when you are purchasing an LED display may save you money as well as get you the appropriate resolution for your particular application. Please feel free to contact your LEDs Today sales representative to help you select the best pitch for your display!


A pixel (short for picture element) is an image component of an LED display's overall resolution. The more pixels used to represent an image, the higher the resolution which equals greater picture quality. In an LED display, a pixel can consist of 1 or more LED diodes. A monochrome or grayscale LED display pixel has 1 or more LED diodes of the same color. A color LED display pixel either has LED diodes of different colors or 1 single diode which contains semi-conductor chips that emit light with different colors.


RGB Display
Red, green and blue (RGB) are the 3 basic colors human eyes can perceive. By using an appropriate combination of red, green and blue intensities, many colors can be represented. An RGB display simply means it's a full color display. However, the number of colors that can be shown on an RGB display depends on many factors. Two of the most important factors are the input data signal quality and the display's color processing ability. For example, if the input video signal only has 8-bits of information per color, no matter how many colors your display controller can process, the display will only show 8 bits of shadings per color. LEDs Today current full color display controller can process up to 16 bits of information per color equaling a total of 281 trillion gamma corrected color levels. However, most of today's video input sign also are less than 10 bits per color. Therefore, the actual color depth showing on a LEDs Today LED display is only as good as the quality of the input signal.


Viewing Angle
Diodes can put out a single, narrow beam of light like a flashlight, or they can output a wide array across a room like a light bulb. Diodes output about the same amount of light no matter what type they are - but the "high-beam" diodes with a narrow angle focus more light into one small spot, whereas the "wide angle" diodes spread their light across the horizon. So, if you were to stand directly in front of a sign made from "high-beam" diodes with narrow viewing angles, you would see an extremely bright sign.  However, the minute you walked away from the small spot light of its focus, you would see nothing but black.


With wide viewing angle LEDs, the image is visible in consistent brightness and uniform colors throughout the entire viewing range of the display. LEDs Today only uses wide angle 1400 LEDs to maximize audience exposure, maintain the highest color accuracy and extend reading times. Maintaining brightness across a wide spectrum also requires greater light output, which is why LEDs Today uses a higher LED diode density than any other manufacturer in the industry.